I have a cordial relationship with my mother in law now for the sake of my husband

I have a cordial relationship with my mother in law now for the sake of my husband

All I know is that I didn’t marry this man with the option of leaving him if ii didn’t like anything, I married him because it was for better or worse, I gave him my life, through thick and thin, because I wanted to spend my life with him forsaking others. I didn’t take my vows as just words they were taken seriously. Now I have this hanging over my head everyday, instead of my h letting his family know to back off like he used to, now I have, what will it be that they do that finally breaks us?

Instead of seeing my h as strong and the protector of my heart, I see someone that can truly break it, because he has broken it. Yet granted he too can be what heals my heart too. It’s a stupid roller coaster, I wish I still lived in the fantasy land that my h would never hurt me, not ever. So I guess now, going back to school since my life has been on hold, is now is more for me to find myself again, be e independent woman I was, and to give me some dignity back while I help others. Yet can you believe, I sit here wondering should I be furthering my education in a direction that helps my h and our business, how is that, I still put my h first, above everyone else, because I want to help him somehow.

I no longer have a relationship w her nor does my child

I believe the only thing this broad (I refuse to call her the Other Woman and give her equal billing with me)Had over me is that I gained weight after the birth of my daughter and was no longer skinny. I’m assuming she was if he had anything to do with her, cause he is very shallow.

I’m not the perfect person, nor do I try to be something I am not, all I wanted was to be loved by my h and to love him back for the rest of my life

Giz, trust me it has nothing to do with weight. My husband’s parasite outweighed me by nearly a hundred pounds. When you are looking to get your ego jacked, the outer package does not matter at all.

Strength, my husband did the same thing. However, seeing that the OW was a friend of ours and the family, my in laws new all a out the affair over a year before I did. She told my mother in law everything as well as my sister in law and her friends. I was shocked to the core to realize they all knew and never said a word. Talk about humiliating. I don’t speak to my sis in law or her friends. It’s been over 15 months. He told that cow a lot of things about me and our sex life answer she told everyone. She was trying to line up alliances while she moved in for the kill. It almost worked too. I guess the whole lot of them didn’t realize that I loved my husband more than anything and I stood by him. Like you said ” he wasn’t himsellf”. Definitely a mid life crisis. My mil finally apologized and things have been cool but cordial. So humiliating at family kissbrides.com pode saber mais events. You have no idea

I can only imagine and empathize w/ your MIL issues. My psycho nut case MIL encouraged my H’s affair too. The lousy excuse for a grandmother even watched our child so my H could go out with his skanky HS GF.(Her involvement goes further but I would be typing for days.) She still refuses to apologize, said she didn’t do anything wrong. She’s certifiably nuts in my book.

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